We are a group of management accountants. We can suggest you which Quickbooks version is best for you. We can help you from buying Quickbooks to setup everything. We will understand your business...
I am a student and Practicing Chattered Accountancy in Pakistan. I am a trainee and has vast experience of recording entries. Financial statements and bookkeeping. I Want to deliver my service over...
Prepare P&L, Balance sheet, Cash flow, Projections from raw data be it bank statements, invoices, payments, vouchers etc Also will do a critical review for completeness on already developed...
— 5435 exact ffs (still gaining) — mostly filipino followers — 4 posts w 1.2k-1.3k reactors — months old since april 2 — can cn name & access — no vio or issue — good for sors, personal use...
Je suis un étudiant en expertise comptable au Cnam intec de paris titulaire d’une licence en expertisecomptable . Je fais de la comptabilité approfondie des VBA macrocommandes etc
Je vais une image à la fois simple et à la fois épurée afin de mettre en avant vos produits pour donner envie à vos acheteurs potentiels d'acheter vos produits. Je fais plusieurs produits ou le même...